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Hiking holiday in Gröden

Hiking holiday in Gröden: experience a rich and varied region intensively

Hiking holiday in Gröden: experience a rich and varied region intensively

For walkers the autumn, when forest wears a multi-colored leaves dress, represents the ideal time for a hiking holiday in Gröden. What makes the Grödnertal such a particularly attractive area for walkers and hikers, is the fact that there are ways in virtually all altitudes and with all levels of difficulty. So you have the choice whether you want to discover the world of the mountains alone, join a hiking or take advantage of the Tourist Office’s offers. This regularly organizes naturalistic alpine and mountain hikes, in which you also have the opportunity to learn about the region and its geology.

A dreamy area at doorstep during a hiking holiday in Grödnertal

A dreamy area at doorstep during a hiking holiday in Grödnertal

One of the most attractive hiking areas of South Tyrol is the Seiser Alm in St. Ulrich, almost right outside the door. From St. Ulrich you can comfortably reach the largest high-plateau in Europe, an area of 56 square kilometers, by gondola lift and can enjoy to your heart’s content your hiking holiday in Gröden, surrounded by a great variety of flora. Since a few years also the Hans-and-Paula-Steger-way in east-west direction leads you from Saltria to Compatsch on the Seiser Alm. Along the way you can find out about the culture and landscape of South Tyrol and in particular of the Seiser Alm.

Do you want to expand your knowledge during a walking holiday?

Do you want to expand your knowledge during a walking holiday?

Then you should opt for one of the numerous theme trails of the region! Here you have the choice among fabulous ways with respect to the South Tyrolean popular belief, historical paths and nature trails about interesting topics. These theme paths are much shorter than ten kilometers, and consistently classified as mild. Especially exciting for families is the fairy path in Sexten, whose edge is lined by wooden figures of legendary characters.